The Best of Times...
They've been part of the best of Backspin times. They've been part of the worst of Backspin times. First up, the best.
About a year ago, I made the first announcement in this space of the "All-Time All-Backspin Team," bringing together as one all the "most favored" players who have helped to shape Your Friendly Neighborhood Backspinner's tennis psyche over the years, starting back with those extremely fuzzy childhood memories of Bjorn Borg being the king of Wimbledon. Some on the list were instant favorites, while some took a bit of wearing before they finally fit like a glove.
Not much has changed with the list in twelve months. But at least one player HAS been promoted, while another that once seemed to be "on deck" for entry into the club has slipped back badly, replaced by a contemporary who, in some ways, is starting to resemble another "social climber" who eventually found her way into my very good graces. That said, here's what I said in 2011 (updated, when necessary), along with a few 2012 comments thrown in to bring things up to date.
**1st Team**
Jelena Dokic, AUS/YUG/SRB

... the wild ride began the first moment I saw her, when she popped up at Wimbledon in' '99 and took it to world #1 Martina Hingis in the 1st Round. The thought process went from "who is she?" to "wow, she's really something" in less than an hour. The 16-year old rode the moment for as long as she could to become the story of the tournament en route to the QF. A year later, she reached the SF. Now, if Dokic were to come onto the scene now, I'd be more familiar with her (she was the world Junior #1 and won the U.S. Open Girls title in '98), and the lethal nature of the "moment" might have been blunted a tad. But, at the time, it was my very first introduction to the whirlwind of fist pumps and stinging winners that is a big win from Dokic, and what a hello it was. It was like crack... one hit and I was hooked. Still am, really, even if I have managed to wean myself off the junk due to its limited availability over most of the last decade. Still, as her recent title in Kuala Lumpur showed, I'm still susceptible to falling back into the not-so-dark hole when a nice little Ziploc bag full of goodies suddenly shows up at my doorste-... all right, enough with the drug metaphors. Over time, Dokic has more than paid off in the time investment that I put into watching her career go through its various ups and downs. The early years were great, the middle ones weren't. But she's never been boring. Her 2009 Australian Open quarterfinal run again made her the biggest story at a slam once again, a full decade after she did it the first time. And after all these years, there still might be a few good (or better?) moments left in Dokic's racket and boxer's heart (one of the good things that her notorious father donated to her through birth and an estrangement that nearly took her down and out -- though anyone who's closely followed her career probably could never REALLY see her giving up or giving in when the fight seemed to be getting the best of her). Her neverending story has seemed to be close to ending a few times, but it continues. That trait, even more than any win she's ever had or will have, is why she'll go down as my "most special" player of all.
[ Since her KL win, tennis hasn't been kind to Jelena over the past year. She reached another final last summer, but hasn't advanced past the 2nd Round in any of her other nearly-twenty tournaments. Oh, and Damir is back in her life. Sigh. Well, obviously, similarly hand-wringing times have come about on Jelena Corner over the years, but they've almost always been followed by better times ahead. Eventually. If you wait long enough. I've been waiting for nearly thirteen years now. I can wait longer and, even if something better never comes around again, I'll still miss The Fair One greatly when she's really gone. ]
Jana Novotna, CZE


Boris Becker, GER... while Novotna made me value perseverance, and Dokic made me realize that you could fully embrace a player who often runs head-first into walls simply because every once a while they break through to the other side, it was Becker who ushered me into my generation of tennis stars. When he crashed the party at Wimbledon by winning the '85 title as a 17-year old, the then-West German wasn't much older than me at the time. Until then, tennis for me had revolved around the previous generation of stars -- Connors, McEnroe, Navratilova, Evert, etc.

[ Boris never really totally goes away. Just like the charisma he had in such abundance at an age when he had absolutely no "right" to have it. ]
Hana Mandlikova, CZE/AUS... before Mandlikova, I'd been mostly a fan of men's tennis. In fact, with the Czech being something of a "third wheel" in the era of Navratilova and Evert, I really wasn't even much of a fan of her's at the start. She came off as arrogant, and I was too young to remember the early years of her career. In the final stage of her career, though, I clued in. It was the variety of her game, and the way she so effortlessly glided around the court that got me. I can remember some famous dancer at the time saying that she'd kill to have Mandlikova's legs. If Becker brought the brutal athleticism that can exist in the game into my view, it was Mandlikova who made me respect and admire the beauty of it.

**2nd Team**
Miloslav Mecir, CZE... the Big Cat was such a smooth prowler of the

[ We see Mecir nowadays as the Slovak Republic's Davis Cup coach. ]
Justine Henin, BEL... ah, Justine. La Petit Taureau. The all-time "face" of Backspin.

[ Hmmm, I guess that turned out to be a not-so-subtle hint about the top member of the "All-Time Anti-Backspin Team," huh? ]
Jimmy Connors, USA... I was too young to know Connors as a player during his early, best years. But I DO remember the post-30 Jimbo. I reveled in him besting McEnroe en route to winning Wimbledon and the U.S. Open back-to-back in '82 (though I don't remember anything at all about it other than the feeling of knowing that he won... and his fist pumps and celebrations along the way).

Bjorn Borg, SWE...I barely remember him as a player, but he epitomized "cool" when I was first introduced to the sport early in my elementary school years.

[ Borg and McEnroe's rivalry has been chronicled in both book and HBO documentary form over the past year. ]
Petra Kvitova, CZE

[ Well, the quest didn't last too long. Kvitova won Wimbledon last summer. She suffered another downturn after that, before roaring back to life in the season's closing weeks. More than anything, that quick snap-back, and the belief that she has her champion's head in the right atmosphere, solidified her promotion to 2nd Team from her spot on the "Hopefuls" list a year ago. Of course, there have been and are still rocky road moments in Kvitova's path to more success. She's so far failed to grab the #1 ranking, and her "Novotna-esque," error-strewn in-match drifts still pop up far too often. Throw in her asthma making her a question mark in hot (especially North American) environments, and a career of alternating high-and-low points seems a sure bet. Oh, but when she's "on," she's awesome. She's easy to root for. She's Czech. She's great on grass. She makes you want to ram your head into a tree on occasion, but you still willingly step back up to the bar the next time she hits the court. In other words, she's nearly a "perfect" All-Backspin Team member. ]
**Hopefuls/Almosts & Nice Ideas**
[ Well, yeah. The storyline has sort of changed here. In fact, she's off THIS list. At the very least, a member of the "Backspin Inner Circle" has to want to the best he/she can be. And Dane's rest-on-her-laurels, blame-everyone-else-for-the-criticism-of-her-slam-failures, create & hire & fire "coaches" pattern, a-little-TOO-precious Clijsters-like desire to please and apparent inability to admit that her own preferred game style stubbornness might have already put a permanent ceiling on her slam prospects makes me question her commitment. Not to being a very good, well-earning, tour-supporting tennis player... but being the sort of TRUE champion that a player who rises to #1 SHOULD be -- one that is willing to knock down every available door in order to live up to their standing, fight off criticism with their play ON the court and not "waste" any of the prime years of a finite career. The replacement for Wozniacki on the "Hopeful" list doesn't have that probem. ]
Victoria Azarenka, BLR... Vika has always existed on the peripheral of Backspin's consciousness, with a big move by her being the long-awaited next step. Until she made it, though, it was going to be hard to commit to her. But over the last year, she's finally made it. Fully committing to making the most of her career by making more intelligent decisions (as far as her "injuries" and schedule) and being less of a "crazy kid," she decided to conduct herself like a champion both on and off court. The result? An Australian Open title, the #1 ranking and one of the best starts to a WTA season in ages. Better yet, the very same anger-fueled emotion that brought her down in the past is now being channeled smartly into her drive to win, making it even more difficult to beat her as her confidence grows with every match. Much like Henin, whose overt (over?) desire to win was close to being TOO much, at least to fully embrace her, early on, Azarenka's stick-it-in-your-eye-while-I-win reaction to all the "Whack-a-Vika" criticism about her on-court shrieking has me smiling all the time now. Henin's "wave off" of Serena at Roland Garros made me dislike her, then she won me over with her U.S. Open heroics a few months later. Watching Azarenka angrily come back to defeat Carla Suarez-Navarro in a RG match in '09 wasn't a pretty sight, but with a little spit and polish she's turned her sometimes-childish reactions into those of a more seasoned player who isn't going down without a (literal?) fight. While she's not "bad," Azarenka IS often drawn that way. Just like Henin was on more than one occasion. LPT's ever-present hat might have been white, but she filled Backspin's role of lovable, black-hatted "villain" quite well. Over time, we'll see if Azarenka can wear her own version of The Hat (maybe it's the The Shorts?). If so, Petra might have some company.
Nadia Petrova, RUS... oh, Nadia. That hoped-for great moment isn't going to happen. I've long since come to that realization. She had her moment, but didn't seize it when her body (as it so often has) let her down. Thus, she's been moved down from her previous spot on the 2nd Team. Of course, Nadia still DOES have a few years left. I won't be holding my breath, though.
[ Occasionally, Nadia still produces a few, "Oh, Nadia!" moments, like her Indian Wells win this week over Sam Stosur. But the moments of resignation are still far more common. ]
Carly & Chelsey Gullickson, USA...sisters with a Mixed slam trophy and an NCAA singles championship, respectivey, to their credit. The Naturals (their dad was a MLB pitcher... remember the old Robert Redford movie?) are really the only recent young American players that I've taken an extra liking to over the last few, "Lost Generation" years. To this point, at least.
[ Chelsey is still playing college tennis for Georgia, but the "Bannerette Watch List" has grown incredibly over the past year. As far as the youngsters, I'm still more intrigued -- as far as this list -- with the likes of Madison Keys and Sloane Stephens. But the likes of Christina McHale, Taylor Townsend and others are just a few "moments" away from jumping up here. ]
Juan Martin del Potro, ARG... I haven't really been a huge fan of a men's player -- though I've enjoyed players like Federer, Nadal and others -- since Becker, but del Potro is currently nibbling at the corners of my mind. I enjoyed him when he won the Open in '09, then jinxed him when I picked him to finish #1 in '10. Back from his wrist injury, he's been burning up the courts the last month or two and I've really been feeling good rooting for him. Thus, he slipped onto this list at the last moment.
[ Slowly but surely, del Potro is working his way back. As I'll likely never be an Andy Murray fan, dthe Argentine is still by top alternative to the Big 3 (not 4, as some like to count, since the Scot actually has to win something to earn such inclusion, in my opinion). Over the past year, I've come to like Milos Raonic and Ryan Harrison -- but not Bernard Tomic -- enough to consider them as potential future inclusions here. ]
...of course, these lists leave off a lot of players that I DO like, have enjoyed over the years and have great hopes for (Ms. MarinoRiske, I presume?). I was a fan of Evert's in the latter stages of her career, and Navratilova at Wimbledon in her heyday (and everywhere in her post-40 days). Maria Sharapova was once a Supernova and was a pre-shoulder surgery star, and might still someday resemble something close to that again. Nothing beats Serena Williams when she's in full flight, unless it might be Venus on the grass in London. And, of course, no F.O.B. (Friends of Backspin) list would be complete without at least a knowing nod to Queen Chaos herself, Jelena Jankovic, without whom things wouldn't have nearly been as fun around here as they sometimes can be when she in "full Dervish" mode.
[ Navratilova is easily my favorite post-career player. She'll make her "Dancing with the Stars" debut next week. I just hope she doesn't become the butt of jokes afterward. Last summer, Sabine Lisicki's big game and just-as-big smile nearly allowed her to leap-frog a few people and get onto the lower level of one of these lists. But she's not there yet, and one wonders if her always-iffy health and inconsistency will ever allow her to cut a wide enough swath through the tour to live up to her potential, both here as well as in her career. Hmmm, who else? Well, if either or both of the Pliskova Sisters ever had a REAL breakthrough, there's always room for another Czech -- or two -- around here. ]
ALSO THIS WEEK: The All-Time Anti-Backspin Team
All for now.
i am so glad you bumped vika up and the more i watch her, the more i see a resemblance of her and henin in their development path. vika will definitely hit some walls sometimes in the future, but having gone through the misery in body and mind in past 2 years should give her confidence that she will always be able to return stronger.
so caro becomes CCW? caro-clijsters-woz. hehe. just when i said quite recently that A-rad is likely to climb over in near future, i guess the near future is right after IW afterall? and speaking of A-rad, vika is getting her owned now with a 60 62 scoreline...
looks like pova and vika still on course to meet. nice to see, seed 1 and 2. unless a resurgence of ivanovic.
Hi Todd,
Using my smartphone to view ur site for the first time. Noticed the subheading for the first time. It's very...suggestive ;). observation of the week is tba jmdp is to federer as kuznetsova is to henin. They both even suffered the backspin curse...
Hope you r having a great weekend.
Yeah, A-Rad should have known better to (ironically) raise HER voice about Vika. She's 4-0 against her this year. Hmmm, Azarenka's got more wins over her in '12 than Radwanska can even get games off her right now. ;)
Vika is looking even more like the "anti-Wozniacki" than Kvitova.
C-Woz went out rather routinely. That's sort of becoming standard with her. You just can't stand still while everyone else is passing you by. Maybe she'll realize that... eventually. I have my doubts.
Sweet. :)
JMDP... still so sorry. :(
Speaking of Federer. He must have really been more injured in '11 than he ever let on. Except for a few rare occasions, he's really been on a tear since late last season.
Yeah, Todd, the site looks really good on the smartphone!
Could Azarenka be on the way to being the Federer of the women's tour? Child prodigy gets act together/matures around age 22-23...becomes a paragon of professionalism (and subtle cockiness)...
Obviously, it's too early to tell, but it would be nice if professionalism made a come back to the women's tour. It's been too long since we've had solid matchups/rivalries that people can look forward to. And while it's nice to have interesting people like Serena on the tour...i think it does a disservice to those who show up to have such a talent disregard the system...and that goes for Clijsters too. I think we're approaching an era where the top players won't have such different talent levels that they can just show up and win.
Todd, to what you were saying about Federer being injured...I think with the Big 3...I think sometimes since they're all so good that it comes down to motivation a last year, I think Djokovic just got tired of losing...and this year, I think Federer's like that...and at some point Nadal will get frustrated like that too and go on a tear (or you could say that 2010 was his year...)...but Nadal also kind of has a different makeup than the other two. I feel like the other two feel like it's their mandate destiny to when they lose, it's like an offensive act by the opponent...but Nadal is a bit more fragile(?)...or doesn't have the same champion's arrogance/cockiness...I guess the nba commentators would call this "swagger".
Looking forward to your post!
Don't look now, Vika's already got 3.9M on the year. That's amazing.
The record in $6.5m (Serena '09), but Azarenka is almost already in the Top 10 for all-time prize money seasons.
They really need to do time value of money conversions for those all-time prize money's just like movie ticket it doesn't make sense to compare just the dollar amount since clearly a dollar doesn't have the same value anymore...
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